Dear Pundians,

The celebration of Pundi X 4th Anniversary is warming up! Starting from 27 September 2021, we will kick off 3 more events which are open to everyone, from users to merchants, to participate. Let’s check them out.

Transaction mining on XPOS

Special award pool for 4th Anniversary Celebration

From 00:00 (GMT+8) 27 September 2021 to 23:59 (GMT+8) 03 October 2021, all XPOS merchants will be automatically enrolled to participate in the transaction mining special program to win DAI tokens. The reward pool for this special event is 4,000 DAI.

The calculation is as below:

Weekly total transactions per XPOS / Weekly total transaction of all XPOS globally * reward pool

The more transactions the merchants completed on XPOS, the more DAI reward they will receive. Each XPOS is eligible for up to 40 USD worth of DAI. Not just that, 4 lucky merchants will receive a minted Blindbox NFT as an extra souvenir for Pundi X 4th Anniversary.

The rewards will be distributed on 8 October 2021.

#PundiX4Good meme social media campaign

Got some great ideas for a Pundi X meme? Show them off!

Share your creative contents (meme, picture, gif) on personal social media and tag Pundi X accounts (twitterInstagram) with #PundiX4Good from 27 September 2021 to 21 January 2022, we will pick 48 participants to win the following prizes:

  • 40 to each receive 40 USD worth of Pundi X Award Token (20 from Twitter and 20 from Instagram)
  • 4 to receive Pundi X T-shirt (2 from Twitter and 2 from Instagram)
  • 4 to receive minted Blindbox NFT (2 from Twitter and 2 from Instagram)

The winners will be announced on 25 January 2022. Award distribution will be 28 January, 2022.

#PundiX4Good video campaign

Last but not least, if your ideas can’t be satisfied by still graphics, make them move!

Starting from Oct 1 2021 to Oct 30 2021, make a short video to show how much you support Pundi X / why you support Pundi X / how you use Pundi X products (XPOS, XPASS, XWallet) / A simple Happy Birthday to Pundi X, you name it! Share the video on your personal or business social media and tag Pundi X accounts (twitterInstagram) with #PundiX4Good to be eligible for the campaign. The winners will be picked as below:

  • 4 users to receive 40 USD worth of $PR tokens
  • 4 XPOS merchants to receive 40 $DAI each for their crypto sales accounts
  • Winner Bonus: 4 lucky winners to receive a minted Blindbox NFT

The winners will be announced on 2 November 2021. The award distribution will be 9 November 2021.

Please note the start/end dates of each event and make sure to

1. Tag Pundi X accounts (twitterInstagram) and

2. Use #PundiX4Good to qualify for the participation.

Let’s have fun

Join us for the celebration and have as much fun as possible. Look forward to the Pundian’s family growth with your participation 🙂

Pundi X Team

*The rules of transaction mining are subjected to change without prior notification to fit market conditions. Wash trading and cheating will disqualify merchants from participating or receiving a reward.

**Pundi X reserves the right to cancel or amend the terms and conditions of the celebration campaign without notice in the event of a catastrophe, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of its control. Any changes will be notified to the community as soon as possible.